This is the home of the Peatland Policy Portal, a collaborative effort of the EU Life MultiPeat project. The purpose of this public toolkit is to showcase and analyse peatlands, projects, and policies in order to aid the conservation of peatlands and the management of agriculture on peat soils.
Let's save the peatlands together!
Map Data
- The CORINE Land Cover Dataset 2018 comes from the European Union's Copernicus Land Monitoring Service information at https://doi.org/10.2909/71c95a07-e296-44fc-b22b-415f42acfdf0, produced with funding by the European Union. This data was filtered to only include polygons with the land code 412 [peatbog].
- For the boundaries of our project sites, our partners provide the data.
- The Surface Peat Probability Map comes from the Flanders Subsurface Database, administrated by the Flemish Environmental Planning Agency, gathered on 03/10/2024, at https://www.dov.vlaanderen.be. The data was modified from raster to shapefile format. This data is available for display under this decision by the Flemish government.
- The Marginal and Sensitive Ecological Contexts soil map is published by the Public Service of Wallonia (SPW) (2021-12-03) at http://geodata.wallonie.be/id/b18318eb-5e91-48ae-a6a5-6f49d06b15a1. This data was filtered to only include polygons where the field NOM_NIV2 was equal to "Sol tourbeux et paratourbeux." This data is available for display under Special Condition Type A.
- The Estonian Topograhic Database (2022) was created by the Land Board of Estonia. The data was modified, selecting only Code 202 Type 40 (bog pool), and selecting Code 306 types 10 (swamp/mire), 20 (bog), and 30 (quaking bog). This data is available under the Estonian Land Board Open Data License.
- The Finnish Topographic Database from 2017-03-08 was created by the National Land Survey of Finland. The data was modified, selecting only the "Suo" shapefile from the geopackage. This data is available under a Creative Commons License.
- The Updated Map of Organic Soils in Germany was created by the Moor Research Group at the Thünen Institute for Agricultural Climate Protection. The data was modified to exclude polygons which contain fewer than 10cm of peat or are covered by mineral substrates. This data is available under a Creative Commons License.
- The Derived Irish Peat Map's creation and details are documented in: Connolly, J. and Holden, N. M. (2009) Mapping peat soils in Ireland; updating the Derived Irish Peat Map. Irish Geography, 3, 343-352.
- The Soil Map of the Netherlands was originally created and published by Wageningen Environmental Research (2023), accessed on 30-07-2024 at https://www.pdok.nl/. The data was filtered to only display peat soils. This data is available under a Creative Commons License.
- The National Alkaline Peatland Database of Poland comes from Klubu Przyrodników's 2011 alkaline fen conservation project conducted by the Naturalists' Club under the European Regional Development Fund.
- The Polish Peatland Map was created by the General Directorate for Environmental Protection “Wetland Strategy.”
Policy Data
Our policy data is provided by both our partners and our own policy analysts. We are also in the process of implementing a machine learning pipeline to aid in our gathering and knowledge-extraction of policies.